How to Have Excitement

I was talking to one of my friends today and she told me, "I wish I had more excitement in my life."  As she told me this I thought to myself: A lot of people want more excitement in their life, so what is stopping them?  My friend then told me, "It's always the same old, same old."  Then it hit me!  It was not that her life needed to change, it was that she needed to change her attitude about life!

Most people just have the same day over and over again.  This is boring!  In order for your life to get more exciting, you need to change how you behave; you need to behave like your true self!  However, when some people try to do this, they feal some sort of fear.  They feel uncomfortable and end up not having the "couage" to act in public like they do with their friends.  However, this feeling is misleading.  Physiologically, fear and excitement occur in the exact same place in your body.  Your mind confuses excitement with fear and vice-versa.  The feeling that you are actually experiencing when you try something new is excitement!  Just remember that the next time you want to step out of your comfort zone.

Your comfort zone is one thing that holds many people back from living their dreams, and I'll cover that in my next post.