Why You Don’t Always Get What You Want

There are many successful people out there who seem to have it all. They seem to always get what they want.  What is the difference between them and the rest of the population?  What makes all of their dreams come true while you sit there wishing?  Well, among other things, it is persistence.  They decide on what they want to do, do it, and keep going until completion.  Sounds easy right?  Actually, every single one of us is born with natural persistence as a baby.  If we did not persist, would we be walking right now?  Would we have kept putting one foot in front of the other while we repeatedly fell to the floor.  As a baby, we never walked before and really had no idea if we were even capable of it or not.  All we had to go off of was that we saw other people walking, so we thought that we should be able to also.  Well we definitely had the right idea, but somewhere along the way some of us lost it.  We come to the conclusion that we, unlike other people who are demonstrating it, are unable to do something.  This type of thinking greatly limits our potential and blocks us from even seeing opportunities!

On the other hand, some of us retained that knowledge that we were born with and knew that we could do anything that anyone else was doing if we tried hard enough and stuck with it long enough.  For example, Henry Ford decided one day that he was going to build a V8 engine.  Now, at this point in time, everyone thought that it was physically impossible to build a V8 engine.  So, when he went up to a few of his employees and told them to build this engine for him, they bluntly told him, “It is impossible; we cannot do it.”  Mr. Ford replied back, “I am paying you a large sum of money to build this engine for me.  Now don’t tell me what is or isn’t possible, just do it” (not exact quote).  So, the men worked on it for a few months and then went back to Mr. Ford. “We have tried everything you said… a V8 engine is just not possible!”  Well Henry would not accept that, and inevitably, a few months later the engine had been produced.  We all have dreams, and we all have willpower.  It is the combination of desire and willpower that makes us persist.  It is through this combination that most great achievements are made.

Now, most of us have had periods in our life when things just got so bad that we just wanted to throw in the towel and say “that’s it”.  Most of the time we are walking along on our journey of life making progress, but sometimes we just stop, look around, and sit down for a while.  We think that when we sit down we will regenerate and be able to keep going later on.  However, this actually just makes us feel like the trip is longer and harder than we originally thought.  When we sit, we make no progress and we worry more.  Yet, when we finally get the strength to get back up to our feet, stretch a little bit, and start walking once again, we usually find that what we were looking for was just a couple blocks farther.

So the next time you seem to be faced with defeat, just keep going.  See the outcome that you want in your mind, feel the emotions that go along with that wonderful outcome, and just keep going.  You will find your second wind, a new source of energy that will propel you forward – you just have to get over that hump first and you will roll the rest of the way there with outstanding persistence.  This is the core principle to getting everything you want.